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A Columbia 4-year-old who just beat cancer surprised with a playset in the backyard

Fa'Heem Ham battled with neuroblastoma for 2-years.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — With a drill, nails, and the hands of more than 20 volunteers, a play space was built in 4-year-old Fa’Heem Ham's backyard. 

“He’s just loving, cuddly, my little angel,” says Courtney McCullough, Fa'Heem's mother. 

The Columbia kid was diagnosed with neuroblastoma two years ago.

“He had a grapefruit-size tumor that was pushing his kidney into his stomach on his left side and it was leaning into his spine,” McCullough says.

In April, doctors told Fa’heem he had beaten cancer, but it’s an aggressive type that can come back.

‘He’s been strong, now I'm just celebrating him still being alive," she adds. 

His mother describes him as a fighter and a kid full of energy.

“He loves to build, he loves to play at the park,” she added. 

“When families are fighting pediatric cancer, the kids have a really low immune system so they aren't able to play at public parks and playgrounds,” says Becca Kiser, Marketing Coordinator for Roc Solid. 

She says she and 20 volunteers are spending their Wednesday building a playset to make sure he has a safe space, "We bring the play to them and give them a safe place to play and be a kid.”

After hours of hard work and inspirational messages written on the playset, his new place was unveiled.

“Just know that, It’s just a big blessing,” McCullough adds. 

Fa’heem’s family is hoping for more blessings as they have to go back to the doctor every three months for his check-ups to ensure he stays cancer free. 

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