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Do you need pet insurance?

The rising cost of veterinary care has many pet owners considering investing in pet insurance.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Many pet owners considering pet insurance are left wondering: what exactly is it, and is it necessary?

Columbia Veterinary Emergency Trauma and Specialty, or CVETS, can care for hundreds of animals daily. Autumn Trembly, the director of system integrations at CVETS, believes pet insurance is a crucial investment for pet owners.

"We want to be able to provide the best medicine," Trembly said. "Our pets are our family, and we want to make sure that we are giving them the type of quality care that we would want to receive ourselves in the human medical field."

Similar to human health insurance, pet insurance operates on a monthly or yearly premium basis. It covers a range of veterinary expenses, including illness, accidents, and routine care. However, the extent of coverage depends on various factors.

"It's very important to find out if they cover genetic issues, hereditary things," Trembly said.

Trembly stresses the importance of doing your research when searching for a pet insurance plan.

"You can typically go to any pet insurance website and get a quote," Trembly said. "You're putting in your pet's age, your pet's breed, and what kind of coverage you're looking for. It's important not to go to the very first one that you see. Do they do vet direct payment, and does my vet accept it? What are the deductibles? How much coverage are they going to do? Are they going to cap anything? See the differences and kind of see what works best for you and your family."

Ultimately, pet insurance can provide peace of mind during difficult financial decisions in the event of a veterinary emergency.

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