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How to use scents to train dogs

While it's natural for dogs to chew, dig, or even mark their territory, sometimes these behaviors can become a bit too much.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — If you’ve ever found your favorite pair of shoes chewed up or some unwanted landscaping courtesy of your pet, you are not alone.

Dogs rely heavily on their sense of smell, so introducing scents they dislike in strategic areas can help modify their behavior. 

Michael Sniezek, the general manager at Final Victory Animal Rescue in West Columbia, says using scents for training can be a game-changer.

“If it's a more fragrant smell, a more powerful smell, it kind of, I’ll say, stings a little. As they get that smell, they kind of learn, ‘Hey, I don't like this,'” Sniezek said.

For example, Sniezek says if your pup has a knack for chewing your shoes, try placing scents like citrus, mint, or even a bit of diluted vinegar near your belongings.

“They go to lick it, they go to eat it, they go to chew it, they go to whatever, iIt kind of creates an uncomfortable sensation for them,” Sniezek said.

And what about those occasional accidents indoors? Dogs have a strong distaste for certain smells. If your furry friend is repeatedly choosing the wrong spot, Sniezek advises placing scents like citrus or even coffee grounds in those areas to deter them.

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