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Here is why heartworm medicine is important

Heartworm disease can be a serious threat to our beloved pets, but with proper preventative measures, we can keep our animals safe and healthy.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Jean Rutkowski has been a veterinarian technician for over 40 years. She works at Pawmetto Lifeline, an animal rescue organization. Heartworm prevention is extremely important, according to her.

“Heartworms are actually parasites, a long worm that attaches itself to the heart. The more heartworms there are, the more blockage there is to the heart," says Rutkowski.

These worms can grow and multiply within the heart and lungs of our pets, leading to severe health issues and, in some cases, even death. The good news is that heartworm disease is entirely preventable through regular use of heartworm medicine. 

"Heartworm is treatable," Rutkowski says. "It is very simple. There are a couple of ways you can do it: there is oral, some are chewies. There is also topical that you can put on the back of the animal’s neck and absorbed through the bloodstream.”

Using heartworm medicine kills the immature worms that are transmitted by mosquitoes. Even if mosquitoes are less prevalent in your area, it's important to stay proactive and administer the medicine regularly.

“The mosquitoes are consistently feeding off of cats and dogs. It doesn’t matter how long their hair is or anything like that; the mosquitoes are going to get in there. For just 20 bucks a month, you can keep your dog safe from heartworms," says Rutkowski.

Heartworm prevention is a simple yet vital step in responsible pet ownership. 

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