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You Need to Watch This Bear Wander Through the Lobby of 'The Shining' Hotel

This bear was NOT checking in for winter. At least, that we know of.
Still courtesy: The Stanley Hotel

For the first time ever, a bear tried to check into the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park last night. The hotel sees all sorts of wildlife stop by - it is basically on the doorstep of Rocky Mountain National Park - but never really inside it.

According to Reed Rowley, the Vice President of Business Development for the hotel's controlling company, the bear popped in during the wee hours of the morning while all the guests were asleep.

That (arguably extremely brave) person behind the camera reportedly felt safe enough to casually record the big ol' black bear as it perused the hotel lobby's furniture.

In the video, you can see the bear hop up on an end table and then traipse around the lobby as though it were waiting for service.

Rowley told 9NEWS the bear wandered in, took a look around, then cruised on out into the night. He said it wasn't rare for guests and staff to see all manner of animals - bobcats, elk, moose, bears - but all outside the hotel.

"A surprise, obviously," Rowley said. "It is the Stanley Hotel and you never know what's going to happen."

He said staff routinely get in touch with local authorities whenever staff or guests have a major run-in with wildlife to make sure both groups stay safe while at the hotel.

"Luckily, black bears are generally pretty afraid of people and keep their distance," Rowley continued. "I think, generally, we like to keep the wildlife outside..."

The front yard of the Stanley Hotel is a popular spot for wildlife, he said.

Fans of Stephen King novel "The Shining" will remember that a stay in the hotel inspired the horror writer to pen his famous novel. While the 1980 Stanley Kubrick film adaptation was not filmed near the hotel, the 1997 TV series was.

And even bigger fans of "Dumb and Dumber," the 1994 comedy vehicle featuring Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels, will know the hotel served as the shooting location for the hotel the pair stayed in when they made it to "Aspen."

Rowley said the hotel isn't one to sit on its laurels. Just this April, the hotel finished a new concert and wedding venue. The hotel also added 50 rooms this spring. Looking forward? The hotel hopes to capitalize on its spooky past by throwing a big Halloween party.

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