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Be careful about what information you inadvertently share when you share back-to-school photos

By following these tips, parents can protect their children’s privacy and reduce the risk of online threats.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — With the start of the school year, social media platforms are buzzing with adorable back-to-school photos. These images often feature children holding signs with basic information such as their name, grade, and school. 

What not many parents or guardians realize is that if you use some of this information for passwords or security questions for social media accounts, scammers can use this information to hack into your accounts or steal your or your child's identity. 

Before joining the trend, parents and guardians are advised to take precautions and be mindful of the information they share online.

Back-to-School Photo Tips from the Better Business Bureau:

1. Avoid Sharing Personal Details: Back-to-school photos frequently include children holding boards that display personal details. Additionally, photos showing children in school uniforms can be risky. Scammers and predators can exploit this information to commit identity theft or to gain a child’s trust.

2. Leave Off Information About Kids' Schools: Including the name of your child’s school, teacher, or grade level in these photos can make them targets for malicious individuals. These details are also commonly used as security questions for banking and credit card accounts, making them valuable to cybercriminals.

3. Choose Generic Backgrounds: When taking back-to-school photos, parents should be cautious about the background. Avoid showing house numbers, street signs, or other identifiable locations. Ensure that school signs, bus stops, and other landmarks that could reveal your child’s area are not visible.

4. Double Check Your Privacy Settings: Regularly review and update your social media account’s privacy settings. Be mindful of who can view your posts.

5. Watch Out for Fake Friend Requests: Be cautious about accepting friend requests from strangers. Even if the request appears to be from someone you know, think twice before accepting as it could be an impostor attempting to access your information and friends list.

As the new school year begins, parents can still share the excitement and joy of their children's milestones while prioritizing safety. By following these tips, they can protect their children’s privacy and reduce the risk of online threats.

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