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Battling heart disease in South Carolina

MUSC is welcoming the Pritikin Intensive Cardiac Rehab

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Heart disease remains a persistent threat to the well-being of South Carolinians, According to the American Heart Association, five individuals who suffer a heart attack face the possibility of readmission for a second cardiac event within five years. 

In response to this urgent need, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) has introduced the Pritikin Intensive Cardiac Rehab program, aiming to break the cycle of recurring cardiac episodes.

Dr. Michael Foster, Medical Director for Cardiac Rehabilitation at MUSC, emphasizes the program's focus on prevention. "One of the first things patients tell us after the event or ask us is how do we prevent the next problem?" he says.

Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) says heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the state, In 2021 alone, heart disease claimed 12,210 lives and resulted in 52,752 hospitalizations, prompting concerns among healthcare professionals. 

Dr. Foster attributes these alarming numbers to multiple factors. 

"In particular in our state obesity is really a big factor but that's a reflection of multiple things, peoples' hereditary, lifestyle, and so forth but we need to promote weight loss," he adds. "As program director, I've been frustrated at times with eh lack of progress we see in some patients in these traditional programs."

 Dr. Foster says the Pritikin Intensive Cardiac Rehab was launched on November 20th at three hospitals across the Midlands.  Targeting individuals who have already experienced a cardiac incident, the program offers an extended 72-session regimen, doubling the conventional guidance for diet and exercise modifications.

"Literally twice as much time in cardiac rehabilitation, and considerable more instruction in diet, they also learn to cook. Part of the program is cooking classes, how to read labels," explains Dr. Foster. 

The comprehensive approach aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt heart-healthy lifestyles.

"Patients have to be referred by a physician typically a cardiologist and they have to have experienced a significant event like a heart attack," he adds. 

 MUSC has implemented the Pritikin Intensive Cardiac Rehab program at three locations: MUSC Downtown, MUSC Northeast, and MUSC Kershaw.

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