COLUMBIA, S.C. — The Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE) will no longer require face masks to be worn in the facility.
This change comes after the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced that it will no longer enforce its mask-related security requirements.
The federal mask mandate which was set to expire on Monday, April 18, had been extended until May 2, 2022.
After months of discussion from many political leaders and lawmakers, U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Micelle in Tampa, Florida ruled to nullify the national mask mandate on public transportation.
According to CAE, while people are no longer required to wear masks while in the airport, anyone who would still prefer to wear the mask inside is encouraged to do so.
As each airline will be setting its own guidelines as it pertains to wearing a mask during flights, CAE asks travelers to check their airline carrier of choice to be aware of their stance on masks before arriving at the airport.