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DHEC recommends staying home, not gathering during holidays

With COVID-19 numbers continuing to rise in SC and across the country, DHEC is telling residents to think twice about traveling or gathering for the holidays.
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Photo: Thinkstock

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC)  is reminding South Carolinians that staying home is the best way to stay safe during the holidays.

Thursday, the state reached an all time high for percent positive cases and had over 1,500 hospitalizations. With these numbers continuing to rise in SC and across the country, DHEC is telling residents to think twice about traveling for the holidays.

"It's not worth the risk," said Dr. Brannon Traxler, interim Public Health Director. "Celebrating this holiday season like we would any other year puts the health of you and your loved ones in jeopardy. Staying home means staying safe. If you need to be out in a public setting like a grocery store or post office, wear your mask and physically distance from others by at least six feet. Getting tested regularly is also recommended so you know your health status in regard to COVID-19. It’s worth it to change how we celebrate this year so we can all be together next year." 

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventiongroup gatherings and holiday travel should be avoided and celebrations should be limited to members of the same household. 

Gathering for the holiday season may put certain individuals and their loved ones at a higher risk for spreading COVID-19, according to the CDC.

Instead, DHEC recommends that families and friends connect and celebrate by phone or computer. They also recommend that religious ceremonies should be attended virtually, and that people should spend time outdoors while celebrating. According to the agency, this can also help physical and emotional health. DHEC does caution though, that being outdoors does not stop the need for safety guidelines being followed, including physical distancing. 

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For those who choose to travel or attend a group gathering, be aware of the risks to you and others, and practice the prevention methods that work for limiting disease spread:

  • wear a mask
  • physically distance from others by at least six feet
  • get tested and know your results before and after you travel or attend a gathering
  • wash your hands frequently
  • adhere to quarantine or isolation guidance as recommended to you by a health care professional

DHEC also urges that people get tested at one of the 300+ locations throughout the state. 

"It's important to remember that after getting tested and even after getting a negative test result, you still need to wear a mask and physically distance," Dr. Linda Bell, State Epidemiologist. “The virus is widespread throughout our state and country and exposure to the virus could occur almost anywhere. It’s important to take steps to protect ourselves and those around us.”

DHEC is expecting an influx of people at testing locations as the holidays get closer. Residents can use this map to find testing locations that may not be as popular. 

These testing locations are sponsored by DHEC and use nose, oral or saliva testing. According to the agency, results can take up to 96 hours, so people should plan to be tested far enough in advance before travel or a gathering. 

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“We understand how long and hard this year has been, but we can expect staggering numbers over the holidays if we let down our guard now,” Dr. Bell said. “I'll be staying home this Christmas, and that's how I'll be keeping myself and my loved ones safe. There’s no greater gift than the health of our loved ones.”

For addition holiday safety tips, visit scdhec.gov/holidaytips.

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