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School superintendent joins nurses to administer COVID vaccine in Kershaw County

As Kershaw school district employees got their second vaccine shot, a familiar face was behind that second dose.

CAMDEN, S.C. — In Kershaw County, a COVID-19 vaccine clinic opened at Camden's Health Resource Center for local teachers and staff.

Among those administering the vaccine was Kershaw County School District's Superintendent, Dr. Shane Robbins.

That's right. 

"I'm an Army combat medic and I went through the vaccination training with DHEC and I asked the nurses if they would like me to help," said Robbins. "I want to support our nurses and I want to be part of this process to provide our employees with a much-needed vaccination."

A similar two-day vaccine event was held in March, in which about 600 employees got their shot. 

In total, KSCD employs about 1,600 people.

Credit: WLTX

Both clinics took place in partnership with KershawHealth.

"About 20% of the Kershaw County community is underneath one of our school district roofs on any given day during the school year," Robbins explained. "We're a big portion of that community and we don't want to be the causing factor of an increased spread within Kershaw County."

While hundreds elected to get their vaccine at Thursday's clinic, other employees chose to get their shot independently. Others, Robbins says, opted out.

"This is just one extra thing to make our staff, and better yet, make our parents feel comfortable about the environment they're sending their children to," said Robbins.

Kershaw County schools returned to face-to-face learning five days a week last September.

Dr. Robbins says the district is already working on coronavirus protocols for next year.


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