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Whistleblower Exposes Doctor Accused of Prescribing Chemotherapy to Patients Who Don’t Have Cancer

What could be worse than being diagnosed and treated for cancer? Later finding out that your doctor lied and you never had it to begin with.

(CBS NEWS) -- What could be worse than being diagnosed and treated for cancer? Later finding out that your doctor lied and you never had it to begin with.

A Michigan office manager risked his career to expose a doctor who gave chemotherapy to patients who did not have cancer.

Dr. Farid Fata gave unnecessary treatments to more than 500 patients at a Detroit-area cancer center.

In the latest episode of the CBS series "Whistleblower," host Alex Ferrer talks to the former office manager who stepped forward to expose the man responsible.

"I couldn't believe … what was in front of me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing," says George Karadsheh, who took a new job in 2011 as an office manager for Dr. Fata's rapidly expanding oncology practice in suburban Detroit.

But within two years, one of the other oncologists and two nurse practitioners announced they were leaving. Karadsheh confronted that other oncologist.

"'Are you leaving?' And he said, 'Yes.' And I said, 'Can I ask you why?'" said Karadsheh.

What the doctor told Karadsheh about Fata was a bombshell.

"Patients were given chemotherapy and other treatments when they didn't have cancer," he said.

MORE: Read/watch the full story at CBS

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