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Columbia Looks to Expand City Limits

As of right now, Columbia is the largest city in the state and city leaders are looking to expand.

Columbia, SC (WLTX) -- As of right now, Columbia is the largest city in the state and city leaders are looking to expand. Council has hired an annexation coordinator to work on a policy that'll look to annex new areas of the county into Columbia.

"In order for us to remain a viable city, we have to be able to go to our natural urban boundaries," said Councilman Howard Duvall.

Councilman Duvall is one of the leading forces behind the annexation, or adding more property, to South Carolina's largest city. He said it will alleviate confusion as to whether the Sheriff's Department or the Columbia Police Department responds to certain calls.

"How can the city and county provide efficient services if it's split up like that?" said Duvall.

According to city officials, annexing would save homeowners 40% on water and sewer. That's an average of $249. But opponents believe annexing will dilute the police department and other needed services. Joseph Azar, the owner of Upstairs Audio & Video, said annexing would also harm people outside city limits, who pay lower taxes.

"They're afraid of this. They can't afford it. There are a lot of retirees that live on fixed incomes. When their taxes double, it's going to force them to lose their homes," said Azar.

Azar said the city should focus on other things, like the water sewer problems and police protection. "We don't need to be going out, trying to take other property that we can't take care of," he said.

But Councilman Duvall and Azar do agree on one part of the annexation: fixing the donut holes, which is Councilman Duvall's main goal.

This will be a long-term process and there will be informational sessions for concerned citizens.

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