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SC Department of Juvenile Justice issues state of emergency over COVID

The agency issued a state of emergency as COVID-19 surges in the facilities.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — As COVID-19 cases surge, it's causing serious issues behind the fences at the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ).

That's according to an email sent to DJJ employees from Acting Director Eden Hendrick.

Hendrick said the omicron variant is spreading through the agency's facilities and it's creating major staffing shortages.

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"This is where they live so we can't, take them out and put them anywhere else, we're doing as much as we can to remove them from the pod life, pod situation until their done with their isolation or better so we can ensure they don't spread it," said Hendrick.

"We're taking every safety preauction that anyone else would take at a hospital or at a school," she added.

The email states that, at the Midlands Evaluation Center, 12 staff members are out with COVID-19, that's half of the full duty security staff.

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At the juvenile detention center, three staff members have tested positive. The Broad River Road facility is now housing students from the Midlands Evaluation Center that have tested positive.

According to Hendrick, it is mandatory for all staff and students to wear a mask. Extra personal protective equipment, such as gloves and gowns, are available.

The agency is also working with sister agencies to provide added public safety. The email said all staff members that aren't on leave will be asked to work Thursday and Friday.

The agency is also welcoming any volunteers to come off leave and help out where needed.

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