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Governor signs bill limiting trans youth rights, amplifying Pride month mission

This year, the celebration holds particular significance due to a newly passed law that limits the rights of the transgender community.
Credit: WLTX

COLUMBIA, S.C. — As June approaches, communities are preparing to celebrate and bring awareness to LGBTQ+ pride. This year, the celebration holds particular significance due to a newly passed law that limits the rights of the transgender community.

"The pride movement was built out of a protest. It was a protest not only in Stonewall but in California and other places," said Matthew Butler, board president of the Harriet Hancock Center.

Governor McMaster's recent decision to sign Bill 4624 into law will prohibit gender transition procedures for individuals under 18. The law, effective immediately, means that trans children under 18 can no longer receive hormone therapy or puberty blockers, even with parental permission.

"Even in the darkest of hours, we will find a way to have joy," Butler said.

Butler explained the law's broader implications.

"This law will deny families access to healthcare, will deny a parent's rights to make medical decisions with their child and on their child's behalf with consultation of medical doctors. The law will deny access to pubertal blockers and hormone replacement therapies for those folks who are gender dysphoria or trans-identified under the age of 18."

In addition to affecting adolescents, the law also impacts adults who are part of the state employee healthcare plan. "Anyone who receives insurance benefits or health insurance benefits through the state health plan will no longer have access to these services," added Butler.

As a result, this year's pride month carries a special mission to support the trans community. "We will continue to stand by our trans siblings and support them in whatever way is needed, in whatever capacity we can," Butler said.

RELATED: Pride Month events in South Carolina: Show up and show support

RELATED: South Carolina governor signs into law ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors

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