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McMaster creates commission to seek flooding solutions

The SC Floodwater Commission is tasked to identify short term and long term solutions for low lying and coastal areas and areas along the state's rivers.

Columbia, SC (WLTX) — By an executive order, Governor Henry McMaster has created a new South Carolina Floodwater Commission.

Executive Order 2018-50 states that the commission's purpose will be "creating a state-wide flood accommodation, response and mitigation effort" and that the commission will "serve as a vehicle for authorities to research, evaluate, share and coordinate measures and ideas being considered."

McMaster cited the need for communication and coordination between local authorities, state officials, federal agencies, and the private sector to the creation of the commission.

The governor appointed Tom Mullikin Sr., a research professor at Coastal Carolina, as the commission chair. According to the order, the Commission will report to the governor, and SC Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism will provide staff support and other resources as necessary.

In addition, the commission will be comprised of representatives from nine government agencies including the offices of SC Adjutant General, Emergency Management Division, State Disaster Recovery Office, DHEC, DHEC Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, Commissioner of Agriculture, Department of Transportation, and members of Congress for the 1st and 7th Congressional Districts.

There are to be no more than 18 additional appointments by the governor from the following categories: one or more members of the Senate and/or House of Representatives, representatives from Chambers of Commerce from coastal counties, mayors from coastal cities and towns, representatives from coastal county councils, commanders of federal military installations located along the coast, and individuals appointed by the governor who have relevant professional, academic or research expertise in the areas of engineering, flood mitigation, public planning, hydrology, marine sciences, environmental protection, or related issues.

The commission members should be in place and an initial meeting held by mid to late November.

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