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New zoning rules a win for developers in Cayce

Cayce city council members passed new zoning ordinance RS-4A, opening the door to higher density housing, duplexes and mother-in-law suites.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — As the City of Cayce continues to grow, the area is going through a transformation that is bringing with it new homes and businesses.

Now, developers will have an additional zoning option at their disposal.

Wednesday evening the Cayce city council approved an ordinance that creates a new zoning designation: RS-4A.

While the designation is similar to RS-4, RS-4A, as written and approved, will allow builders to construct higher-density housing, accessory dwellings like mother-in-law suites and duplexes. It also allows for setbacks as shallow as five feet on all sides.

Before the vote, Mayor Pro-Tem Tim James sought clarification from City Manager Tracy Hegler, as he contemplated the language allowing duplexes and auxiliary buildings.

"So, these can be completely re-zoned, to whatever they wish to put there, if it falls within the RS-4A, which could include the duplexes and the ADUs," James pondered. 

Hegler confirmed that was correct.

One of the first developers to take advantage of the new RS-4A zoning will be Broad Brook-CT, LLC, who received approval to advance their plans to build homes at 800 Lexington Avenue. The property is in the middle of a Cayce neighborhood and is the former site of the Lexington School District Two Learning Center.

Other issues discussed at the meeting included a new alerting system for Cayce’s fire department and an update from a group pushing to make Cayce safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

The council said they will continue to work with SCDOT on pedestrian safety enhancements across the city.

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