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Who decides on the next person to fill the role of Comptroller General?

It depends on the deadline, the General Assembly, or the Governor.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom is stepping down in one month and somebody will need to replace him. But what does that process look like? Will voters head to the polls or will the governor appoint someone to the position?

“By the second week in May we will have a new comptroller general,” Sen. Larry Grooms said.

Current Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom is resigning effective April 30th. He’s leaving in the wake of a $3.5 billion accounting error. He first took office back in 2003, and he just got re-elected last November.

What’s next?

“The general assembly adjourns may the 7th so the general assembly could elect a comptroller general sometime between April 30th and May the 7th," Grooms said.

By law, the General Assembly has the ability to elect his replacement. The last time something like this happened was back in 2007 when the State Treasurer stepped down. The legislature came together to appoint the next person to fill that slot.

However, if the general assembly doesn’t elect a replacement by the close of session, May 7th, the decision goes to Governor Henry McMaster.

Instead of sending the vote back to the people, it stays with lawmakers.

“The constitution says in case there’s a vacancy in the statewide elected office the General Assembly would elect if we’re in session, or the governor would appoint if we’re not in session so we’re following what’s written in our constitution," Grooms said.

Now, the House and Senate are eyeing two candidates to fill the position, former state representative Kirkman Finlay and Mike Shealy, the Senate budget director

“There’s a former house member that’s offering to run and there’s a long-time state employee who understands the budget better than anyone else, by the name of Mike Shealy," Grooms said.

In addition to the comptroller general’s resignations, there’s discussion around a possible constitutional amendment to make the governor’s appointment of the position standard procedure.

“There’s been talk for years of which I’m in favor of changing the step system so the comptroller general which is one of the two of our offices that handle the money that the treasurer but the comptroller general would be selected or appointed by the governor," Governor McMaster said.

The governor adds by making this position a part of his cabinet, will allow direct accountability for the governor. He said he will have the power to remove this person from the position.

Because this is a proposed constitutional amendment South Carolinians would ultimately decide in the November election whether to adopt the amendment.

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