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New Town of Lexington council members hope to bring transparency, measured growth, and infrastructure improvements

Will Allen and Todd Lyle tell News 19 they want to be a voice for the people they serve and to continue improving the place they call home.

LEXINGTON, S.C. — With municipal election results now certified, Town of Lexington leaders are ready to be sworn in. They will be in charge of making decisions for the area over the next four years.

This new leadership team tells News 19 they are looking to move the town forward.

New council members Will Allen, Jeannie Michaels, and town administrator Rachelle Moody are joining council member Todd Lyle who won his bid for reelection. 

"This coming term, I would really like to see us get some more help from the state government or from the federal government. It's been about 11 or 12 years since the federal government actually made a big investment in our roads, which was up at the Columbia Avenue intersection on Highway One," Lyle said.

Members tell News 19 being transparent is important to this council when it comes to managing growth, collaborating with Lexington County and other agencies and departments, all while continuing to improve infrastructure within the town.

"I want the town of Lexington to shift. Instead of having an annual audit, I want us to have our itemized expenditures on the town website for everybody to be able to see. I also think it's good to have a breakdown, so that people can see what that means. But at the end of the day, every cent that the town gets is the citizens' money and they need to see where every cent of that goes," Allen said.

Both Allen and Lyle explain they want to be a voice for the people they serve and want to continue improving the place they call home.

"I'm really excited about looking at the future with the two that we've got. Jeannie Michaels and Will Allen, both are some fresh voices. Jeannie's got some experience on planning commission, so she's getting to contribute from a different angle now. Will's family owns a small business and restaurant, so that'll be really good to have that voice. Because I think the diversity of our council, diversity of backgrounds and skill sets is very important," Lyle said.

They said they'll be able to really get to work in January after the holidays.

The new town of Lexington administrator will be sworn in tomorrow. These council members will be sworn in December 4, 2023. 

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