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SC First Lady Peggy McMaster tests positive for COVID-19

Peggy McMaster was notified Friday morning she tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina First Lady Peggy McMaster has tested positive for the coronavirus.

The governor's office said Peggy McMaster took a routine test Thursday afternoon. She was notified Friday morning she tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.

The First Lady is not experiencing any symptoms at this time, according to the governor's office.

Governor Henry McMaster was also tested Thursday and the results were negative.

The news comes as South Carolina set a new one-day record for coronavirus cases Friday.

RELATED: SC surpasses record with 3,648 new COVID-19 cases, 25.9% positive rate

Following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC), guidelines, the First Lady will isolate for the next 10 days and monitor for potential symptoms. Accordingly, Governor McMaster will follow official guidelines for “close contacts,” and will quarantine for the recommended seven days while being tested regularly. The governor will continue working from home until his quarantine period is over.

“I’m happy to say that Peggy is feeling well, isn’t experiencing any symptoms at this time and is in good spirits,” said Gov. Henry McMaster. “This shows us, once again, how contagious this virus truly is and how important it is that we follow the advice and recommendations of our public health officials. We are working closely with SCDHEC to ensure that we follow all of the recommended guidelines and that Peggy’s close contacts are notified.”

The governor's office said the Governor and First Lady tested negative on Monday, December 14 prior to attending a White House Christmas event and on Thursday, December 10 prior to meeting with Vice President Mike Pence.

The First Lady is working with Dr. Brannon Traxler, SCDHEC interim public health director, to determine and notify any individuals with whom she was in close contact in the 48 hours prior to receiving the positive result. Members of the governor’s residence staff and security detail have been notified and are taking necessary precautions.

Credit: SC Governor's Office
Peggy McMaster


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