LEXINGTON, S.C. — This past weekend News 19 told you about a warming shelter that opened up at Radius Church in Lexington. According to the pastor of that church, John Ptak, nearly 60 people stayed overnight last weekend to avoid the below freezing temperatures.
Ptak said the church is service-oriented and for the past three years particularly, they've tried to help the community as much as possible.
"We’re dependent upon volunteers and resources. And so if we have that and we can do it, we're trying to step up to the plate and make it happen for Lexington County," Ptak said.
In deciding whether or not to open up a warming shelter, pastor Ptak said it depends on how cold the weather gets and the need.
He said they had about 50 air mattresses and 10 cots available last weekend, with about 5-10 volunteers working per shift through the night.
"We coordinated with a nonprofit partner called C-PLACE, we also partnered with the United Way that donated up to 60 brand new sleeping bags. We had to coordinate amongst our own body of believers to work with the volunteers and get that staffed, but people have just come from all over the community to drop off supplies, to cook food, to learn their names, their neighbors' names. and to love on people. And that's a beautiful thing this time of year," Ptak said.
This pastor tells News 19 if we have another cold snap here in the Midlands, and they have the resources to help, the church will certainly open their doors again.
"God loves us. He cares for us, and in the same way we ought to care for one another. And this is just a small way that we can build a bridge to someone that may not know Christ," Ptak said.