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Richland County Council passes Land Development Code and talks about funding expansion at Riverbanks Zoo

In a special called meeting Tuesday, Richland County Council voted to pass the Land Development Code and began discussions about funding a Riverbanks Zoo expansion.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The Richland jail or Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center has been the focus of attention in recent weeks with several stabbings and now a federal investigation and on Tuesday the Richland County Council decided not to publicly discuss the ongoing problems.

"Let the record reflect we went into executive session with respect to item 6b, Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center... we received information and legal council and no action was taken," explained council chair, Overture Walker, after coming out of their second executive session.

The hours-long meeting also marked the beginning of discussions for more money for the Riverbanks Zoo.

Lexington County has already agreed to fund $36 million out of an $80 million bond and now Richland County is looking into making up the difference of $44 million but now without some hesitation.

"We want to make sure that the investment that we put forth in Richland County, specifically to the zoo, that there is a great return on it," said council member, Gretchen Barron. 

The Riverbanks Zoo funding passed its first reading Tuesday night and will eventually have a public hearing, and two more readings.

"Looking at the long-term benefits to our residents and making sure they fully understand the impact on their tax bill, but also making sure there is access to the zoo," said Vice Chair, Jessica Mackey.

In its third and final reading, the county's Land Development Code passed but also not without additional questions.

"I encourage my colleagues to make sure to look at whether or not, down the road, we need to adjust or make some changes as it relates to particular issues like lot sizes as we deal with the growth we will have in our county," stated councilman, Paul Livingston.

The land development code and maps will go into effect on March 1, 2024. 

The next full Richland County Council meeting will be held sometime in December.

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