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Riverbanks Zoo Director Retires After 44 Years

he President and CEO of the Riverbanks Zoo and Garden has announced that he will be stepping down from his role this summer, after four decades on the job.

Columbia, SC (WLTX) - The President and CEO of the Riverbanks Zoo and Garden has announced that he will be stepping down from his role this summer, after four decades on the job.

"I've been here 44 years as of a couple weeks ago, so you know, it's time,” says Palmer “Satch” Krantz.

Krantz started his career at the zoo back in 1973, as a supervisor for the animal hospital.

"I started here right out of college,” says Krantz. “I had never been to a zoo before. I was from Columbia and I applied for a job because I had a degree in zoology. I got the job and 44 years later, I'm still here."

At the age of 26, Krantz got the executive director role, making him the longest serving zoo director in the nation.

When asked what’s been his most memorable moment at the zoo, Kratz answered that there were too many to count.

“I love watching animals being born,” says Krantz. “I've seen giraffes born and all kinds of animals. It's just a renewal of life. Watching kids come in and the expression on their face when they see an elephant for the first time. It's just those little moments that are really special to me."

Not only is he the longest serving zoo director, but he is also one of three zoo directors to have served as both president of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

The zoo recently finished a $40 million park-wide expansion, the largest in zoo history. They also had record attendance in 2016.

When asked what’s next, Krantz said he’s going to take time to rest and enjoy not having to wake up to an alarm.

Krantz is expected to retire on June 30th 30, 2017.

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