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State Fair exhibit remembers fallen service members

5,394 faces, etched in honor, ascend 34 tribute towers. Each face tells a story of courage and sacrifice.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The South Carolina State Fair is in full swing, with all the fun of food, rides, and games. but this year, there is a special exhibit that pays tribute to fallen service members. It’s called ‘Remember The Fallen.”

Located inside the Ruff Building, it's as if history stands still – 5,394 faces, etched in honor, ascend 34 tribute towers. each face tells a story of courage and sacrifice.

“One day they were there, and the next they were gone, and their friends never had an opportunity to say goodbye, and they can come in and find their friend and loved one and get a little bit of closure,” said David Luton, National Representative for Patriotic Productions.

Luton said the traveling exhibit is to honor their service.

“They are from Alaska, too, ya know, Wyoming, so, and all states in between," Luton said. "This are all post 9/11 Iraq and Afghanistan from September 11, 2001 to August 31, 2021.”

As visitors approach, many come to pay their respects and say a heartfelt goodbye to those who once stood beside them.

“Gold Star families come in and find their loved ones, friends come in and find anyone from 1-12 people they know,” Luton said.

For those who attend, Luton has one message for them: “Man does not die until he is forgotten, and as long as you speak his name, he will still live on."

The exhibit runs until the fair ends on October 22.

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