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Camden American Legion Post 17 honors fallen heroes

On Memorial Day the nation pauses to honor the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice

CAMDEN, S.C. — As millions across the nation paused to honor the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the United States military, the American Legion Post 17 held a ceremony Monday morning to honor those who served. 

"As Americans, we like to celebrate, we like to celebrate our special dates, but on Memorial Day it's different, we do not celebrate those who died. We remember, we honor," says Commander of Post 17 and Vietnam Veteran, Tommy Cockrell.

A solemn day of remembrance and honor brought veterans and their loved ones together at the American Legion Post 17 in Camden to remember those who didn’t make it home.

Veterans like Tommy Cockrell, who was drafted into the Vietnam War, gathered to share their stories and honor the fallen, “It’s just an honor to put on that uniform representing the United States of America.”

The keynote speaker, Terry Bullard, who served in the U.S. Air Force, recalled the painful memory of losing six fellow service members on December 21, 2015.

“All of us who serve who are in those circumstances the memories of those days are absolutely vivid and absolutely crystal clear," Bullard says.

As they gathered to reflect on the past, Bullard emphasized the importance of reminding the younger generation of the sacrifices made to keep the American experiment alive.

“Many always worry about the future or always have concerns about it, for me I have complete faith and trust because generation after generation in our country have stepped up when the time was needed and have answered the call," he adds. 

The Legion hopes to have another gathering on Labor Day.

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