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Shifting records online to preserve the old documents

Records dating back to 1781 we're seeing extreme damage which led to efforts of moving them online

KERSHAW COUNTY, S.C. — Kershaw County is in the process of making it easier to access real estate records--including old deeds and mortgage records dating back over 200 years. 

A four-year project is underway that will allow people access to the documents online without leaving their homes. 

Billie McCleod with the Kershaw County Register of Deeds office says it's an effort to help preserve worn down and damaged books. 

"The older records back from 1791 are really fragile," she says. "We decided to take the records back so we did it in phases we went from 1990 back to 1965 and then 65 back to 1791."

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Now access to online documents will make it easier to access the information they need  "Everyone likes everything at their fingertips," she says. "Instead of coming in and researching the old records, they can do it from anywhere across the U.S. or wherever, and part of our records we're on microfilm from 1965 to 1990 some that we really wanted to get online." 

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McCleod is working to keep the records that are in-person safe. "We have had some of the preserved, that's a process we will continue to go through," she adds.

For those looking for information, it's just a quick click away. The officer will also continue to have records available in person for those who prefer the old-fashioned method. 

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