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Kershaw County School District moving forward with salary study

The district wants to bring competitive pay across the board.

KERSHAW COUNTY, S.C. — Kershaw County School District is working towards a higher salary for staff members.

“It’s been quite a few years, well over 15 years, since a salary study was done in the school district,” said Kershaw County School District Superintendent Dr. Harrison Goodwin. 

Goodwin says the board has voted to hire a consulting firm to conduct a salary study.

“The consulting firm will reach out to districts around us and districts like ours. It’s easy to get numbers but to make sure job descriptions line up with the numbers is what's important," Goodwin said.  

This past school year, the district raised first-year teacher pay by 2,800 dollars, bringing base pay to $43,500. 

RELATED: Kershaw County School District focusing on pay for upcoming school year

They also increased bus driver pay by 2.28 cents an hour.

According to Chief HR Officer Denise Sowell, this study will allow them to find more competitive pay for all staff.

“The teacher salary schedule is driven by legislation and mandates given to school districts about increasing the teacher salary schedule, Sowell said. "However, the others' salary schedules are the responsibilities of the individual district, so every so often you have to make sure those salary schedules are in balance and that you maintain a compensation schedule that’s competitive.” 

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Officials say the process will start immediately and is expected to be complete in February of 2024.

The firm will compare districts across the state that are geographically in the same area and those of similar size.

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