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It's time for the Carolina Cup and locals are prepared for some horsey business

Cup officials expect over 40,000 attendees to the steeplechase races this weekend

CAMDEN, S.C. — It’s that time of year again. The Carolina Cup is making its 89th return to the city of Camden this Saturday and local businesses are preparing for the boom attendees to the steeplechase races will bring. 

“Business has been booming,” Kimberly Wiggers said. "We definitely have been busy. A lot of out of town people coming in shopping, but mostly locals who are just preparing early. But we are getting down to a really low inventory because it’s been busy."

Wiggers is the manager at The Edge, a local boutique in downtown Camden, her shop has already seen crowds coming in getting ready for the event. 

“We usually prepare months in advance because we know it’s a big time of year, big shopping, and so we try to be well stocked for people who are out shopping looking for dresses,” she said. 

The 89th annual horse race brings thousands of people to Camden and Cup officials say they are expecting higher numbers this weekend.

“Ticket sales have been running ahead of where they were last year," said Toby Edwards, Executive Director of the Carolina Cup. "I’m going to put 40,000 as a number. It’s going to be big.” 

Law enforcement in Camden will be at the race, making sure everyone is safe. 

“We have plans in place with the Kershaw County Sheriff's Office, the South Carolina Highway Patrol, our emergency preparedness individuals in Camden and Kershaw County, EMS personnel to make sure everybody has a fun day at this family event,” Camden Police Chief Jack Rushing said. 

Chief Rushing says they are prepared for the large number of visitors in the city. 

“We are here just to maintain order and decorum and make sure everybody comes in safely and leaves just as safe as they came,” he said. 

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