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Here's what's happening with the town manager in Batesburg-Leesville

A special called council meeting in Batesburg-Leesville last week has left questions as to whether or not the town manager is still in office.

BATESBURG-LEESVILLE, S.C. — A special called council meeting in Batesburg-Leesville last week has left some questions as to whether or not the town manager is still in office. 

"I move that we terminate the employment contract of our town manager effective immediately," said Steve Cain, Batesburg-Leesville council member for district 3. This was a motion made at a Batesburg-Leesville council meeting last Thursday. 

The town manager and assistant town manager tell News 19 they received a notice for a special called meeting on May 20, three days prior but several town employees could not attend, including the mayor. 

"Council members simply weren't available due to the holiday and my son graduating, I had family in town," Batesburg-Leesville Mayor Lancer Shull said. 

And as it turns out, according to the mayor, there were a few issues with the meeting. 

"The agenda had Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) issues in that it was too generalized on the agenda items," Shull said. 

According to the Municipal Association of South Carolina, for a termination of a town manager to take place, there has to be a special called meeting by a majority of council, an open session, and a quorum of council, which is five members.

In this meeting, only four town council members are visible in their seats on the town's video recording.

"You need a majority of council to call a special meeting. And it was requested by four," Shull said. 

Following a meeting with correct procedure, the Municipal Association explains a town manger does have options following an action like this. 

"The manager has the right under state law, under the council-manager statutes, to request a public hearing to discuss and hear from the council the reasons for whatever action it is they're taking, particularly if it's an adversarial action," said Scott Slatton, director of advocacy and communications for the Municipal Association of SC. 

Now, a new meeting agenda is set for this Friday. 

Credit: Town of Batesburg-Leesville

"It's the will of the majority of council to take action, and it is our plan to overcome the procedural issues that have been raised," said Bob Hall, Batesburg-Leesville council member for District 8. 

This special called council meeting will take place at 6:30 pm Friday at town hall, which is located at 120 West Church Street. 

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