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South Carolina Art Commission grants six new artist funding for project of their choice

The South Carolina Art Commission grants six new artist in the palmetto state the opportunity receive funding for a project.

ORANGEBURG, S.C. — Six new artists in South Carolina were selected to receive the South Carolina Art Commission Emerging Artist Grant

Along with receiving financial assistance with a project of their choice, artists will also be coached by members of the arts commission and artists in their discipline. 

Orangeburg resident Austin Reynolds is one artist selected for the grant. The Claflin graduate is currently working on his new artwork titled "The weaver, the measurer and the cutter". 

Reynolds believes that qualifying for the grant can make bring an artist a lot of confidence.  

“If someone is given a grant and you’re an emerging artist that pretty huge. Someone wants to fund you to create your work and coach you along the way. How can that not be worth my time. Not many people are going to give you that access for free“.

Reynolds received over $1700 for this project from the grant.

Tanisha Brown is the Artist Development Director at the South Carolina Arts Commission and says that the grant helps new artist who may be under financial strain.

“Financial barriers are really burdens and so in many ways we can help to eliminate that," said Brown. "A great component of the emerging artist program is there is no financial match that’s a responsibility of the grantee. So based on your project budget, as the artist submits it. They are able to receive up to $1800 in support of their work.”

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Doctor Indria Bailey was one of Reynold's professors at Claflin University and believes that it is hard for a new artist to find that next step. 

“Artist struggle with where to go, what’s next," said Bailey. "People assume you can just go into a gallery or museum. And it’s not one two three. Making connections, having the right network, having the right support. So I think the struggle is not your talent because artist know they have that. But it’s the groundwork. You have a degree in art you can go in so many different directions and an artist may not understand which direction they can go into.”

Reynolds piece will be finished in December and followed by an exhibit. 

The deadline to apply for the emerging artist grant is in November.   You can apply here. 

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