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Residents are concerned as another housing development proposal surfaces in Camden

This housing development is proposed across from the Kershaw County Airport

CAMDEN, S.C. — Just days after residents in Camden breathed a sigh of relief over a developer withdrawing plans for over 300 homes at the Camden Training Center, another housing development proposal has emerged several miles away across the street from the Kershaw County Airport located on Jefferson Davis Highway. 

Jessica Coulter, a resident of Camden, expressed her dismay at the prospect of more housing, saying, "I was saddened to see the number of homes."

Coulter and her neighbor Bennie Hall, who live in rural Camden, are devastated as trees have been torn down just feet in front of their homes for the new housing development. 

They are concerned about the impact it will have on the area.

"There are a lot of concerns over the infrastructure. The school systems, and the ability for them to handle the influx of more people," Coulter said.

Hall echoed those sentiments, saying, "We've been so used to nothing being over there and no traffic down Beverly Hills Road, and now we're concerned about having some kind of entranceway right in front of our house,".

According to Joey Adams-Rackowski, Director of Planning & Development for Kershaw County, the proposed project is on county property, "It's a 321-lot subdivision of single-family detached dwelling units,". 

It is spread across 300 acres and will be completed in three phases. 

However, there is a section with no proposed development yet.

Adams-Raczkowski explained, "There is a reservation of I'd say ½ the tract, which is maybe another 180-200 acres they have reserved it for future development. At the time they are not proposing what type of development,". 

Adams-Raczkowski emphasizes this will not face county council, "It first goes to staff to our development review team, then it will be forwarded to our planning commission who is the sole authority by local code for approval of subdivision development,".

The project is scheduled to face review by the Planning Commission on May 21st at 5:30 PM at the Kershaw County Council Chambers.

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