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Bradford Farms loses a second watermelon crop

Nat Bradford doesn't know what's causing the failing crop, so he's working with Clemson Extension to prevent it from happening again

SUMTER, S.C. — Being a farmer is never easy, especially with unpredictable weather, but for Nat Bradford of Bradford Farms, his staple crops are thriving while others are coming up short.

"It's been an odd growing season," Bradford said.

The Sumter farm is well known for collards, okra, and watermelon.

He said the cool and rainy spring start slowed down okra production while collards thrived. 

"A cooler wetter spring and early summer are actually good conditions for collards, but okra loves the heat, our okra came in about 4 weeks late."

For Bradford, it's not just about the okra and collards, as his family's legacy is tied to watermelons that span over 180 years. 

Last year the watermelon crop failed for what he attributed to pollination issues and heavy rain, but it's happened again for a second year in a row.  No watermelons. 

"It's very perplexing, you know we thought we learned some things last year that we could apply this year, and we did, but our crop did worse," he said.

The watermelon is being grown in the same soil as the other crops, and it's now left him to work with Clemson Extension to find a solution.

"I can understand one year maybe something was off that we didn't quite know what it was, but two years we really had things dialed in there is something going on that we can't quite see," he adds. 

As they work to find a solution, he's made a big decision.

"Not offer our watermelons for sale until we have it fixed," he said.

It's a bittersweet taste, "Initially it's a sense of loss of confidence that you know this is what I'm known for."

He promises the watermelons will be back with a sweeter flavor.

"They are gonna be better than they ever were and that's my commitment," Bradford said.

While he isn't selling watermelons this year, he said for those who want collards and okra to reach out on social media.

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