SUMTER COUNTY, S.C. — The Gamecock City joins communities around the state to receive millions in federal coronavirus relief funding.
Now, they're closer to deciding how to spend it.
With $10 million in hand, part of the money will go to EMS, firefighters and the Sheriff's Office for new ambulances, renovations and equipment.
They're also planning to purchase a tractor and trailer for their litter program and provide pandemic bonuses to some offices, including the coroner's office.
The cost is over $4.5 million.
"There’s much more need, but those are the things that we have approved so far," County Council Chairman Jim McCain said.
According to McCain, they've also approved $500,000 for grants supporting community organizations.
"Churches, 501(c)(3) and other nonprofit organizations, they can apply online for grants up to $15,000."
That application is expected to be available on the county's website next week.
"Everything is a work in progress," McCain said. "We’re hoping to spend the rest of that money on the community itself, you know, on the needs of people… but we want to make sure that we’re spending it correctly.”
Allocation of the remaining funds will be decided in the months ahead.
Those interested in commenting can do so at their monthly council meetings.
Those are held the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in Council Chambers on the third floor of the Administration Building at 13 East Canal Street.