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Sumter residents celebrate farmers, artisans, vendors for National Farmers Market Week

Coordinator Marie Dorr says National Farmers Market Week is about celebrating the farmers and vendors who serve the community weekly at the Sumter Farmers Market.

SUMTER, S.C. — It’s National Farmers Market Week, which means residents across the state are celebrating their local farmers, artisans and vendors who put in hard work for the community. At the University of South Carolina’s Sumter campus, people show support for a local farmers market every Friday.

"A lot of people can’t say they love what they do," Mandy Churchwell smiles. "But I love being a farmer."

Churchwell and her family work at The Veggie Patch in Orangeburg County.

"We’ve been farming for generations, but farmers markets for 15 years," Churchwell explains.

Every Friday, Churchwell comes to USC Sumter for the local farmers market.

"It’s just once a week, but yet farmers is every day. You have to thank a farmer 'cuz if there was no farmers, there’d be no food," Churchwell describes. "And when you sit down at your table, there's a lot of work that went into those vegetables. A lot of sweat, a lot of work that people don’t see when they come to the farmers market."

And during National Farmers Market Week, farmers like Churchwell are being celebrated.

"I just thank them for having that urge to want to grow things for other people and farm land," Sumter resident John Weathers says. "That was the backbone of America, the family farm."

Weathers comes to the market every week along with other residents.

"I enjoy fresh vegetables and I don’t have enough land to plant a big garden and it’s just easier to come here to get fresh vegetables. And I like to help the farmers out," Weathers says about seeing the community come out. "It shows that people are looking for fresh vegetables and they want to support local people, small business people. And some people use it just as a place to meet other people every Friday and get together and walk around and buy vegetables."

"I think it takes a whole community to put a good farmers market together," farmer Ryan Green says. "Local customers want to support local."

Green is co-owner of Greener Pastures, and says buying local is key.

"I just think it’s important for people to know where their food comes from and to support local family. I think what you buy in a grocery store doesn’t compare to anything you can buy from your local farmers market," Green shares.

"You can’t beat nothing better than local," market coordinator and farmer Marie Dorr adds. "It tastes tremendously different. I mean the flavor is outstanding."

Not only is the produce fresh and flavorful, but Dorr says it helps local farms survive.

"That income is coming in to that farmer, that artisan, that vendor. You’re supporting their kids, so it’s not like you’re going to some big chain," Dorr explains. "If it wasn't for the farmers markets where they can go to be able to set up and sell stuff…you know some of [the market sellers], just most of them are out of their home; so therefore, they don’t have anywhere to go to sell. So Farmers Market Week is honoring all of everybody."

The Sumter Farmers Market happens every Friday from 12 - 5 p.m. on USC Sumter's campus near Miller Road. For a list of local farmers markets in the state, visit agriculture.sc.gov.

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