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Senator Tim Scott keynotes annual Columbia Urban League event

The Senator talked about healthcare, broadband and the George Floyd police reform bill.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The Columbia Urban League held their annual Equal Opportunity Day fundraising dinner in Columbia Thursday night. 

The event is the Urban League's annual fundraising event that looks to celebrate trailblazing leaders in industry, media, the arts and government who "personify the National Urban League's mission of equal opportunity for the underserved."   

U.S. Senator Tim Scott was the keynote speaker.

"I am thankful to be here, I have been part of the Urban League for 30 years," Scott said.

RELATED: Senator Tim Scott to keynote annual Columbia Urban League event tonight

The Senator wouldn't take questions from the media, but did take questions from the audience. 

One guest asked about reducing health disparities. "How do we all work together to overcome any of the barriers so each and every one of us has the opportunity to live very healthy lives?"

The senator responded with, "Healthcare isn't only about health insurance or about doctors. Healthcare really is about education and economics, as much as it is about anything else."

A Prisma Health spokeswoman asked what's being done to provide healthcare to South Carolinians living in rural parts of the state. "We have so many areas of South Carolina that don't have healthcare. What is being done to make sure those citizens have access to healthcare."

Sen. Scott responded with, "Somewhere near 50 billion in broadband, we have made the largest single investment in the history of this country of trying to connect those who are unconnected."

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Another asked about the status of George Floyd police reform bill. Scott said, "There are two areas of major disagreement and five or six areas of agreement." 

Scott went on to say the areas of agreement are banning the choke hold and providing more resources to police departments to ensure all officers are wearing body cameras.

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