Winnsboro, SC (WLTX) — In the shadow of Winnsboro's Town Clock, Dru Blair's latest piece of art welcomes people to downtown. The artwork is a tribute to the history of the county and the town.
Blair said, "What you see behind me is a mural we are creating called anamorphic perspective. The idea behind anamorphic perspective is that we create an illusion based on a single vantage point that gives the idea of what you are looking at is three-dimensional."
Blair lives in western Fairfield County and travels the world teaching his artistic technique. Early last week, it was just a blank wall, but after about a year of planning and several days of painting, his idea has taken shape.
He said, "If you see it right now, it is very distorted. It is designed to look correct from one vantage point only. It took a lot of calculation and ciphering to get to the right vantage point and put it all together."
Blair says his mural represents the rich history of trains in the community.
According to Blair, "We automatically went right to the railroad because we have a great railroad museum here in Fairfield County, and we thought we would bring a little bit of that downtown so people downtown can enjoy the view too."
He hopes his artistic gift will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also a learning experience for everyone involved.
"I enjoy giving back to the community. It gives opportunities to kids. We had some kids come out yesterday to participate in it. I've got some students from all over the world here right now that are participating in this event. It is just a great event for us to have some good times and create something wonderful," said Blair.
The weather last week slowed things down a little. Blair still has some touching-up to do on the mural, but if you want to check out the project, it is located on Congress Street in Winnsboro beside the Town Clock.