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United Way of the Midlands wraps up 2022 volunteer week

Throughout the week, volunteers donated their time to help at different non-profit organizations throughout South Carolina.
Credit: WLTX

COLUMBIA, S.C. — United Way of the Midlands wrapped up its volunteer week on Saturday by helping brighten up a local nonprofit. 

Throughout the week, volunteers donated their time to help at different non-profit organizations throughout South Carolina including International Friendship Ministries in Columbia.

“It gives you a good feeling knowing that you're doing something, you're serving a business that is actually out here serving the community," said volunteer Sherrie Garner.

Garner is a quality assurance specialist with China Jushi USA. The organization partnered with United Way to beautify the ministry's campus.

“Their facility needs some sprucing up. Due to COVID, they haven’t been operational so they really haven’t had time to do things that they need to do. So we’re out here to help them clean up their yard," said Garner.

In addition to cleaning the yard, volunteers also cut the shrubs and cleaned the ministry's sign.

“Now, it’s shining so the cars that are passing by could actually see what they do here," Garner said. "Before, it was a little bit hard to read the signs so that made me feel really good when we were able to clean that up and get that shining for them."

Raj Aluri is the president of International Friendship Ministries. The organization offers hospitality and community to international students and immigrants. This includes those from Russia and Ukraine.

“It’s great and we could use some more volunteers from the community because I think a lot of nonprofits need volunteer help; so, whatever they do, they need extra help to spruce up the place like what we have," said Aluri.

He said these beautification efforts will help the ministry feel more like a second home to international students.

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