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USC Police Department to use AI software to analyze body cam footage

USC is joining other small universities and the NYPD with the adapting the use of this software.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The University of South Carolina Police Department is making some changes when it comes to their body cam footage, as they've partnered with a company that will help analyze that video using artificial intelligence. 

“I look at it as a way hold a mirror in front of the officer,” said Major TJ Geary, the Operations Bureau Commander with USC Police.

He said the use of TRUELO, an AI software, will be beneficial for the department. 

“One hundred percent of our body camera footage is going to be reviewed," Geary said. "The officers will be assessed, supervisors will be able to be notified whenever their officers kind of took that extra time with a victim or took that extra time with a suspect,  to explain something fully. I  think it's just a good way to, ensure that we're we're living up to what we say we will,” 

Major Geary said the decision to use the new software didn’t stem from any particular incident but rather to as an additional tool for accountability and training purposes for the department. 

 “We can really highlight the good work that's that's done," Geary said. "We can take that, that footage, a clip, that footage that TRUELO identifies as being the officer who took that extra minute,  who put in that little bit of extra effort, who's displaying this extraordinarily high level of professionalism. We can take that video and then use it as a training tool we can train new officers we can train officers who maybe are not as high a level."

Anthony Tassone, the co founder and CEO of TRUELO, said USC is joining other small universities and the NYPD, with  adapting the use of this software. 

“TRUELO transcribes and analyzes the body camera videos we detect certain events, like pursuits, uses of force, arrests," Tassone said. "We also detect de escalation attempts. We grade officers language they can earn high professionalism or high composure. We give them credit for doing a good job, but we also surface moments that might need further training or coaching." 

 TRUELO officials said this software works in the cloud, a network of remote servers that store, manage, and deliver content and services over the internet. 

“Our studies show that if you review 100% of body camera videos, everybody wins," Tassone said. "The officers morale improves because they're getting credit for doing a good job. Their wellness improves. Community outcomes improves, really, the quality of service in your community will improve."

 Using the software does not change officers duties or add any work to their days, software officials said. 

 “You can be super transparent with your community. You can say, hey, look, we've encountered 5000 non compliant people. We gave out 20,000 de escalation attempts. We had one use of force. You can really put bad days in context,” Tassone said. 

University officials say training with TRUELO will begin for officers this month. 

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