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Village at Lakeshore community meeting prompts the start of a new neighborhood crime watch group

"Our community is more, we know each other by streets … so, just being able to be more aware of who my neighbors are," Brandy Burns, resident said.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Dozens of residents from the Village at Lakeshore filled the Killian Elementary auditorium tonight for a community safety meeting with Richland County deputies and to start a neighborhood watch program. 

Richland Sheriff Leon Lott began the meeting sharing that deputies have arrested nine people involved so far related to both shootings, and there are likely more arrests coming, including another person picked up this morning. 

"That's what we're here to do tonight, is let you empower ya'll to have your own CrimeWatch group. And ya'll know what to do, how to do it, and we'll help you form that," Lott said.

Lott explained that parents need to talk to their kids, and need to keep them preoccupied with tasks for the day if they're not involved in summer camps. 

He added that forming a CrimeWatch group, being nosy and reporting anything suspicious is the road toward safety. 

Brandy Burns, a resident of Village at Lakeshore, tells News 19 why she was at the meeting. 

"For me, it was important because my house was shot up and unfortunately one of the bullets went through the window right where my little one behind us was sitting watching TV, so knowing that she has to live with that now and the fact that she's not, she doesn't feel safe in her own home, definitely, something needs to be done. My baby should feel safe at her home," Burns said.

Shena Adams, another resident said things are headed in the right direction. 

"I think if we all come together, I think it will be resolved. I think if parents would talk to their kids, let them know things that's going on shouldn't go on," Adams said.

Ginger Gibbs and her husband James explain the time to act is now. 

"We have the attention of those in place that can help, we have a wonderful community and we have got to put some processes and systems in place, so that we can all feel safe and that we can enjoy our community," Gibbs said.

Community members said they've formed a Facebook group for their new neighborhood watch program and that's where their next meeting will be announced. 

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