SUMMERTON, S.C. — The South Carolina Elections Commission has posted the milestone dates for the special election for the mayor of Summerton, following the death of Mayor Tony Junious on Saturday, January 27.
Junious, 48, was the town's elected Summerton's first Black mayor in April 2022, defeating incumbent Mac Bagnal. Junious died as a result of a traffic accident at the intersection of Governor Richardson and Liberty Hill roads.
The election to fill the office of mayor will be held Tuesday, April 2. Summerton residents will also be choosing two town council members on the ballot.
Candidate filing for mayor opens at noon on Friday, February 2, and closes at noon on Friday, February 16. Those interested in filing to run for mayor should complete registration forms and return the completed forms to the Clarendon County Voter Registration & Elections Office, 3 South Church St. in Manning, between the hours of 8:30 am-5 pm.
There is a $100 filing fee and candidates are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests and a Campaign Disclosure online with the State Ethics Commission.
If you are a resident of Summerton wanting to vote in this election:
- register to vote no later than Sunday, March 3. Mailed applications will be accepted if postmarked by Monday, March 4.
- early voting for this election begins Monday, March 18, and ends Friday, March 29. Early voters can cast their ballot 8:30 am-5 pm, Monday through Friday, at the Clarendon County Voter Registration & Elections Office
- on April 2, election day, the following precincts will be open 7 am-7pm:
- Summerton 1: Summerton Fire Station, 6 N Canty St.
- Summerton 2: Summerton Cultural Arts Center, 12 South Church St.
- Summerton 3: Clarendon 1 Resource Center Gym, 1154 41st Street