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ACLU files suit against SC House redistricting plans

The lawsuit claims gerrymandering of house districts to serve lawmakers, not the public.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is suing South Carolina over its redistricting process... Again.

This time, the non-profit is pushing back on the South Carolina House district map that was signed into law earlier this month.

The suit claims the newly drawn district lines are illegally gerrymandered to serve lawmakers instead of voters. The ACLU claims the new maps "dilute the voting strength of Black voters and undermine the political power of communities of color by denying us equal participation in the political process."

This comes after the ACLU sued the state in October over a delay in the redistricting process...claiming lawmakers were avoiding public input.

Throughout the redistricting process lawmakers leading the effort have defended their works and say they held meetings across the state to get input from the public.

The South Carolina House district map had its third reading on Dec. 9 and was signed into law by Governor Henry McMaster on Dec. 10.

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