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Race for Senate District 23 continues with runoff

Incumbent Katrina Shealy faces off against newcomer Carlisle Kennedy in race for Senate District 23.

LEXINGTON, S.C. — The race for Senate District 23 has trickled into a runoff race, with current Senator Katrina Shealy facing off against Carlisle Kennedy, and the final day for early voting is fast approaching. 

In Senate District 23's GOP primary on June 11, incumbent Katrina Shealy got 40% of the vote to Carlisle Kennedy's 36%. Zoe Warren was third with 24%. Warren has since dropped out of the race and endorsed Kennedy. 

Shealy has held the senate seat since 2012 and is one of few female Republican voices in the South Carolina Senate.

Kennedy is a prosecutor in Lexington County and has never held a political office before. 

Shealy tells us she was surprised to see the race go into a runoff.

"I think a lot of people might not have voted because they didn't expect to run off, because they thought, you know, she's got this," Shealy explained. "I've been calling people and making sure that they go back out and vote in the runoff because you didn't have to vote in the primary to vote in the runoff."

Kennedy emailed WLTX his response to the runoff, saying he felt the opposite of Shealy.

"I’m not surprised the race went to a runoff. With three or more candidates, it’s likely, especially when you have an incumbent like Katrina Shealy who is not representing the values of her constituents," Kennedy wrote. "As voters became more informed of her record and how she spent her time in office, voters realized she’s not what she claimed to be while running for office. Whether it’s tax hikes, pork projects, or even receiving awards and accolades from Democrats for opposing Life, it’s clear that voters expected more and desire a change."

Kennedy says he is pro-God, pro-life, and pro-gun and hopes those voting in the District 23 race feel the same.

"My message has been clear from day one of the campaign: I’m a Pro-God, Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-Trump, Less Government, and Expanded Freedom candidate. I am honored to be endorsed by former candidate Zoe Warren and our local State Representatives, Ryan McCabe and RJ May III. The contrast is evident when you consider that Sen. Shealy is being censured by the Lexington County Republican Party and receiving national awards from Democrats. The people of District 23 deserve better—someone who will defend their values and ideals instead of chasing awards and headlines. With roots in this community going back 250 years and expecting my first child, I am committed to ensuring District 23 is a great place to live, work, and raise a family. I will work every day to make sure that happens," Kennedy stated. 

Shealy says her platform is focused on protecting South Carolina's vulnerable and unborn, improving education, lowering taxes, and protecting gun rights. She hopes her record in the Senate encourages voters to get behind her. 

"I've worked hard for children at the Department of Social Services, you know, for kids in foster care and group homes. I've done that. I started that when I went in, and there were no women. We built it up," Shealy said. "I help children out of the Department of Juvenile Justice; I've fought for those kids... I want the opportunity, when I decide to leave, to know somebody's coming behind me who wants to do those things... You know, there's so many things that I've worked on that I want to continue, and I'll just be disappointed that I don't. To finish what I started."

Early voting will continue this Thursday, June 20 and Friday, June 21. Then, the final day to vote will be on Tuesday. 

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m., and you did not need to vote in the Primary to vote in the runoff election. 

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