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SC's Haley, Scott scheduled to speak during Republican National Convention

Former governor/ambassador and current US Senator on the list of speakers a GOP's opening Monday night
Credit: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
Tim Scott

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Organizers of the Republican National Convention have released the list of speakers for each night's events.

Opening night of the GOP convention will feature US Sen. Tim Scott and former SC governor and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. Absent from the list is sometime critic of President Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham.

According to the memo sent out to media, "Over four nights, President Trump’s 2020 Convention will honor the great American story, the American people that have written it, and how President Donald J. Trump's Make America Great Again agenda has empowered them to succeed."

In a profile with The Washington Post newspaper, Sen. Scott was described as "the Republican Party's most powerful Black lawmaker" before analyzing the line Scott has to walk when dealing with issues of race and his support of President Trump.

Recently, Sen. Scott has worked to reduce the inequities of health care that impact communities of color through the REACH Act, get aid to restaurant workers through the HEALS Act, and helped nonprofits remain viable during the COVID-19 crisis through the Protecting Nonprofits from Catastrophic Cash Flow Strain Act.

The Trump Campaign had this to say about Scott: Since joining the Senate in 2013, Senator Scott has been a national leader in efforts to bring opportunity to every American family. His signature legislation creating Opportunity Zones was passed as part of the 2017 tax reform package and has the potential to bring billions of dollars of private investment into distressed communities across the country. As he continues to lead on the implementation of the Opportunity Zones initiative, Senator Scott also plays a critical role in issues regarding workforce development, education, and diversity. Whether it’s tackling the skills gap, making sure children have access to the educational environment best suited for them, or working to bring everyone to the table to find solutions, Senator Scott will keep fighting for South Carolinians every single day he serves in the U.S. Senate.

Haley was appointed Ambassador to the United Nations by President Trump and confirmed to the post in January 2017. She resigned her position in December 2018. She, too, is a supporter of Trump and careful critic. During the 2016 election, Haley first supported Marco Rubio, then Ted Cruz during the GOP primaries before ultimately endorsing Trump.

The Trump Campaign had this to say about Haley: Nikki R. Haley is the former United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations under President Donald J. Trump. During her time as ambassador, the United States stood proudly with its allies, repeatedly taking a strong and principled stand against the chronic anti-Israel bias at the United Nations. Prior to becoming the twenty-ninth U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Haley was elected in 2010 as the first female and first minority Governor of South Carolina. Born in Bamberg, South Carolina, she is the daughter of Indian immigrants and a proud graduate of Clemson University.  

The Republican National Convention will be aired nightly on WLTX.

The full list of scheduled speakers is below:

Monday, August 24:

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC)
House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (LA-01)
Representative Matt Gaetz (FL-01)
Representative Jim Jordan (OH-04)
Former Ambassador Nikki Haley
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel
Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones
Amy Johnson Ford
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Natalie Harp
Charlie Kirk
Kim Klacik
Mark and Patricia McCloskey
Sean Parnell
Andrew Pollack
Donald Trump, Jr.
Tanya Weinreis

Tuesday, August 25:

First Lady Melania Trump
The Honorable Mike Pompeo
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds
Florida Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez
Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron
Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
Abby Johnson
Jason Joyce
Myron Lizer
Mary Ann Mendoza
Megan Pauley
Cris Peterson
John Peterson
Nicholas Sandmann
Eric Trump
Tiffany Trump

Wednesday, August 26:

Vice President Mike Pence
Second Lady Karen Pence
Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem
Representative Dan Crenshaw (TX-02)
Representative Elise Stefanik (NY-21)
Representative Lee Zeldin (NY-01)
Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell
The Honorable Kellyanne Conway
The Honorable Keith Kellogg
Jack Brewer
Sister Dede Byrne
Madison Cawthorn
Scott Dane
Clarence Henderson
Ryan Holets
Michael McHale
Burgess Owens
Lara Trump

Thursday, August 27:

President Donald J. Trump
The Honorable Ben Carson
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23)
Representative Jeff Van Drew (NJ-02)
The Honorable Ivanka Trump
The Honorable Ja'Ron Smith
Ann Dorn
Debbie Flood
Rudy Giuliani
Franklin Graham
Alice Johnson
Wade Mayfield
Carl and Marsha Mueller
Dana White

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