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Quinn's Attorneys Fight to Remove Solicitor Pascoe From Misconduct in Office Case

A judge set bond at $50,000 for Rep. Rick Quinn, the Midlands lawmaker who's been indicted in an ongoing probe into possible corruption involving members of the General Assembly.

Columbia, SC (WLTX) - A judge set bond at $50,000 for Rep. Rick Quinn, the Midlands lawmaker who's been indicted in an ongoing probe into possible corruption involving members of the General Assembly.

Quinn appeared in court Tuesday morning for the hearing. The bond is what's known as a personal recognizance bond, which means he doesn't have to pay any money unless he violates the conditions of the bond.

Quinn was indicted earlier this month on two counts of misconduct in office for allegedly using his position for personal profit. He's been suspended from office until the case is resolved.

The most serious charge against him carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

The indictment accused Quinn of using the businesses that he runs or has a financial stake in to take in campaign funds and other expenses, and of not properly disclosing that intake of money.

Quinn says he has done nothing wrong.

"I'm not going to try this case in the media, but everything in the indictment was either approved by the regulatory office at the time or it's just absolutely false," says Quinn. "It's one of those two categories."

Previous Coverage: Rep. Rick Quinn Indicted

The bond hearing took about 30 minutes to complete. However, the court spent nearly six hours going over a motion to remove First Circuit Solicitor David Pascoe from the case, citing conflict of interest and prejudice against Quinn. Quinn says he believes this is politically motivated.

"Pascoe twice considered trying to run a campaign for attorney general," says Quinn. "As this escalated between the attorney general Alan Wilson and him, I believe my family and I are victims of a feud between to two of them. I believe what we have here is a democrat who wants to beat the republican attorney general."

Judge Knox McMahon did not rule on whether Pascoe could remain on the case. He's giving both sides until June 5th to file briefings.

Representative Quinn is now the third lawmaker to be indicted in the corruption probe. Back in March. State Senator John Courson was indicted on charges as part of the investigation, and in December, Rep. Jim Merrill was charged.

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