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Budget debate continues: Committee discusses school cell phone ban, reusable manufacturing materials

The Conference Committee has only a few weeks to finish the state's budget for FY 2024-2025.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The special committee tasked with coming to a compromise on the South Carolina state budget met for several hours Wednesday, deciding on a number of extra items in the spending plan and leaving many up for debate.

A six-member conference committee made up of senators and representatives are going one by one through a list of provisos, which are short addendums to the budget that deal with very specific spending goals but can sometimes be used to address policy issues. 

Among the provisos lawmakers are considering is a ban on cell phones during the day for public schools and a pilot program to find ways to reuse manufacturing materials.

The "Innovative Reusable Byproduct Pilot Program" was cemented into the budget, and it allows the Department of Environmental Science to launch a program to find ways to turn manufacturing byproducts into reusable materials. 

"Some of that waste actually has beneficial use," said State Rep. Bruce Bannister. "They're looking for the authority for a pilot project to see if there are streams of waste that are currently going to landfills that could be repurposed for some commercially economic use."

The committee held off on debate for a number of key items, including the one banning cell phones in schools. According to the budget, the ban is aimed at preventing bullying and improving school safety.

The House's version of the ban would require a ban on cell phones during classroom instruction time, while the Senate version advocates for an all-day ban. Schools would be required to institute it to receive state funding.

"I have some questions and maybe someone can help me, why the school boards can’t do this? And why we need a one size fits all smush down on our independently elected elected school boards?” said Rep. Bannister.

The remaining provisos will be picked back up when the committee reconvenes. After the budget is finalized, it will go into effect on July 1st.

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