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About The Depth Charts and New Sod ...

USC head football coach Will Muschamp took part in the first regular season news conference of 2018 and it didn't take him long to land a few good-natured blows at those in attendance.

Depth charts and sod.

Those are two topics that came up Tuesday during Will Muschamp's news conference to preview Coastal Carolina and when queried about those subjects, it provided two of the more entertaining answers to kick off game week.

Muschamp says too much attention is paid to depth charts which can change at a moment's notice.

"I don't really big in the depth chart," Muschamp said before dropping this zinger which drew laughs from the audience.

"I know you guys, it's like, really the most important thing that's probably happened in your life recently.

To me, it's about who finishes the game, not who starts the game. So that's really what I concentrate on.

Again, there's no question. We have improved our depth. We have more quality depth to play more guys, to have guys be able to sustain longer in the game and play at a high level. You don't want to have a lot of drop off when you don't have a guy in there and you're putting someone else and you're holding your breath hoping he plays well. We're much better in that regard."

And what about the sod?

On Saturday, the sod was rolled out at Williams-Brice Stadium after last Tuesday's Beyonce` and Jay-Z concert tore up the field cover. On Sunday, the field was covered in the new sod and Muschamp has already seen it and even walked on the new turf which has been one of the more intriguing topics of the last week. Muschamp, though, seems perplexed as to whether anyone had any doubts if the laid down in time for the noon kickoff on Saturday.

"You know, we did plan this," Muschamp said.

"We actually had a plan for this. I know it shocks people, but we actually had a really good plan. They do this in almost every NFL stadium. They have a concert on a Saturday or Sunday. They have a lay and play turf. They put it down and seven days later, they play on it.

"It's a phenomenal concept. You lay it down and play on it."

One more question about that depth chart, Coach.

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