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SC State University Parade of Champions postponed again

Officials say approximately 40 students on the football, women’s and men’s tennis, and track teams have been quarantined.

ORANGEBURG, S.C. — Out of an abundance of caution, South Carolina State University is once again postponing its 'Parade of Champions,' which was scheduled for Sunday, January 29. 

"Acting on the advisement of university physicians to adhere to strict COVID protocol, SC State University Interim President Alexander Conyers has announced the university will postpone the parade set to celebrate the HBCU Football Championship win and other student accomplishments," the university issued a statement saying, 

“With the rise in COVID cases among our athletic teams and in the surrounding community, it is in the best interest of our students that we postpone the event,” Conyers said.

Just days before the community-wide celebratory event was to take place, the university's athletics medical staff implemented COVID protocols after several student-athletes tested positive for COVID during routine testing.  

All students had been vaccinated. 

RELATED: SC State updates its COVID-19 safety protocols for students

Acting on the advisement of university physicians to adhere to strict COVID protocol, SC State University Interim...

Posted by SC State University on Friday, January 28, 2022

At least eight members of the Bulldog football team were asymptomatic and placed in isolation while contact tracing was conducted. 

Approximately 40 students on the football, women’s and men’s tennis, and track teams have been quarantined.

“Our student-athletes are devastated that this quarantine requirement has caused them to miss this celebration of their accomplishments,” said athletics director Stacy Danley. “At the end of the day, we have to keep the health and well-being of our students as our priority.”

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“We want to thank our university family as well as all of our community supporters and sponsors for all of the hard work they’ve put into celebrating our students,” Conyers said. “I know this collaboration is a labor of love towards our students. It is unfortunate and very disappointing, but we look forward to revisiting plans for an event in the future. These are the times we live in; still navigating a pandemic.”

The Parade of Champions was originally scheduled to take place this Sunday. No new date has been set.  

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