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SC Highway Patrol says traffic fatalities down 122 compared to this time last year

Traffic fatalities in South Carolina are down this year, according to the SC Highway Patrol.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The summer travel season is coming to its official end and with it what law enforcement calls the ‘100 Deadliest Days of Summer

Labor Day is the end of that 100 day period of summer that begins on Memorial Day, where law enforcement typically sees an increase in fatal car crashes. However, so far traffic fatalities are down by 122 compared to this same time in 2023. Last year traffic fatalities were at 698 compared to Labor Day 2024, where they stand at 576. 

The Highway Patrol was asking those who were  out and celebrating the long weekend to be safe and consider alternative travel if they were drinking. Sergeant Tyler Tidwell from the South Carolina Highway Patrol said  they are hoping to continue to educate drivers on traffic safety.

“We’re asking the public to continue what they need to do because those numbers, show that they are doing something and our troopers are out there making a difference so we just want to educate people and get them to slowdown wear their seatbelt, don’t drink and drive and don’t drive distracted," Tidwell said. 

RELATED: Memorial Day is the start of '100 Deadliest Days' for teen drivers. Here's why

The Highway Patrol said the uptick in accidents comes from more traffic on the road due to nicer weather and school being out.

“We definitely want everyone to enjoy the holiday we know you’re out with your friends, family coworkers but we want you to do it responsibility,” said Tidwell. “So if you feel that you’ve consumed too much alcohol or if you’ve taken a drug, because a dui is a drug and or alcohol, then we don’t want you to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle you can call a friend, you can call an Uber, a Lyft, tow truck just anything just don’t make that poor decision to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.”

RELATED: '100 Deadliest Days' for teen drivers has begun

Highway Patrol was asking drivers to maintain the posted speed limits both on and off highways.

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