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Columbia Metropolitan Airport launches hidden disabilities program

Travelers will be able to discreetly signal for assistance by wearing designated pins or lanyards

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Columbia Metropolitan Airport has enacted the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program for travelers who may be dealing with unseen issues such as anxiety, chronic pain, and sensory loss.

By wearing the designated pin, lanyard or bracelet with the sunflower motif, it signals to airport employees assistance may be needed, and patience is appreciated.

"How it works is very simple," said Kim Crafton, at Columbia Metropolitan Airport. "Those individuals who want to self-identify having a hidden disability, they come to our information desk and can get a bracelet, a pen or a lanyard. And it has very discreet markings on it of sunflowers. And that allows our staff to know that person or someone within their traveling party might need a little extra time and attention."

This program has been in place in airports in countries such as England,  Australia and Canada.

The yellow sunflower lanyard or sticker is a widely accepted international sign for hidden disabilities.

In the United States, Seattle, Washington, was the first airport to implement this type of program. Since then, airports such as Orlando, Florida, and JFK in New York City, have similar programs, and one is coming soon to Charlotte.

If you or one in your party would like to participate in the program, you can always call the airport you're traveling through if you're unsure if they have this program.

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