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Climate change is having an effect on fall foliage

Conditions that trigger fall color each year are shifting with climate change. This could impact the ecological and economic value linked to fall foliage.
Credit: Climate Central

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Colorful foliage is one of the things the fall season is most known for. Some travel long distances to get a glimpse of the changing leaves. However, the warming climate could have an impact on fall leaves.

According to climate science nonprofit Climate Central, the climate can impact everything from the color of autumn leaves to when they begin to fall from the trees. Climate central explains that trees "use cues from the environment" to start preparing for winter. These include day length, temperature, and rainfall. These three key factors influence how long the fall colors will last, how bright the fall leaf colors will be, and when they begin.

Credit: Climate Central

As days get shorter during fall, reduced sun exposure cues plants to slow down the photosynthesis process. This reduces chlorophyll (a green pigment used during photosynthesis) revealing orange and yellow leaf pigments that were previously masked by the green pigments.

Cooler temperatures tell plants when to start shutting down. Warmer temperatures during the fall months can delay this process and lead to later and shorter peak fall foliage periods. 

Sufficient rainfall during the summer season and soil moisture can lead to brighter colors. However, too little or too much rain can cause stress to trees causing their leaves to drop early.

Credit: Climate Central

The cool nights that create colorful leaves are becoming less common. According to Climate Central, here in the Midlands fall nighttime temperatures have warmed by 3.3 degrees on average between 1970 and 2023.

Early frost, severe drought, and extreme heat can also impact the fall foliage season. These factors can cause leaves to shrivel and turn brown before producing a colorful display.

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