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Cloudy weather today, rain midweek

We won't be seeing much sunshine to start the work week. Nicer weather returns just in time for the next weekend.
Credit: WLTX

COLUMBIA, S.C. — We are starting off Monday with some rain here in the Midlands. That rain shouldn't last too much longer but the cloud cover will be sticking around.

Light showers have been moving through the southern Midlands to start the day. this rain should be out of the area as we reach the late morning hours. Mostly cloudy conditions will continue as we head towards midday with highs struggling to get out of the 60s. Where we see a bit more sunshine I do expect us to reach the lower 70s briefly in the afternoon hours before beginning to cool off this evening.

Credit: WLTX

Tuesday should remain dry for the most part before we begin to get some rain back into the forecast. High pressure will move to the east and will shift our winds out of the south. This will allow for enough moisture that we should see some showers on Wednesday here in the Midlands.

Credit: WLTX

Thursday morning, an approaching cold front will continue to bring rain chances to the area. Temperatures for both Wednesday and Thursday look to be in the upper 70s, this warm does not last long as we see cooler weather behind this cold front return to the Midlands. Low temperatures in the mornings going into the weekend look to be on the chilly side with low to mid 40s possible on Saturday and Sunday. Highs look to be cool for this time of the year reaching the low 70s with full sunshine during the daytime hours.

Credit: WLTX

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